Dienstag, 29. April 2008

Validating performance in a J2EE application

This tutorial shows you how to tune a typical J2EE application for
performance by analyzing database usage and by using the Rational Application Developer Java Profiler to identify costly operations.

Montag, 28. April 2008

Authoring UML Profiles: Part 1. Using Rational Software Architect, Rational Systems Developer, and Rational Software Modeler to create and deploy UML Profiles

This article will show you in detail how to author UML profiles using IBM Rational Software Architect, IBM Rational Systems Developer, and IBM Rational Software Modeler. It addresses both UI and programmatic approaches. You should be familiar with the UML 2.1 specification.

Authoring UML Profiles: Part 2. Using Rational Software Architect, Rational Systems Developer, and Rational Software Modeler to manage change in UML Profiles

This article will show you in detail how to author UML profiles using IBM Rational Software Architect, IBM Rational Systems Developer, and IBM Rational Software Modeler. It addresses both UI and programmatic approaches. You should be familiar with the UML 2.1 specification.

Static analysis IBM Rational Software Analyzer: Part 3. Enhancing rules for Java code review

This is the third article in a four-part series about IBM Rational Software Analyzer and its related capabilities in IBM Rational Application Developer and IBM Rational Software Architect. It walks you through the process of creating your own custom rules and Rule Sets and using other advanced capabilities that extend Java code review.

Using IBM Rational Software Analyzer with IBM Rational Build Forge

Using IBM Rational Build Forge to schedule, configure, and automate software analysis.